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8 oz Nuke Em
8 oz Nuke Em

8 oz Nuke Em

Part Number: FS320
Retail Price:$19.99
You Save:$4.99(25%)


In Stock.

Nuke Em®:

  • Listed Organic by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)
  • Kills Spider mites, Leaf Aphids, Whitefly and more
  • Kills eggs, larvae, juvenile and adult insects
  • Reduces Powdery Mildew
  • Is concentrated and economical
  • Is approved for use on the day of harvest
  • Is safe around people and pets when used as directed
  • Doesn’t alter the taste or smell of growing crops or finished produce
  • Doesn’t lower the value of produce
  • Doesn’t slow photosynthesis by reducing light to photon cells on leaves like oil pesticides can
  • Doesn’t slow photosynthesis from residue clogging the leaf stomata like oil pesticides can
  • Doesn’t contain high concentrations of oils
  • Doesn’t contain chemical surfactants
  • Doesn’t contain petroleum or Pyrethrin’s
  • Doesn’t smell bad
  • Doesn’t make leaves, stems and flowers sticky like oil pesticides can

The Organic pesticide Nuke Em® has been introduced to the indoor/outdoor gardening community by Flying Skull Plant Products. This multi-purpose Organic insecticide/fungicide is listed for Organic use by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute). It kills the eggs, larvae, juvenile and adult insects. Nuke Em® targets all species of Mites, Leaf Aphids, Whitefly and other plant leaf and soil insect parasites. Its unique formula also allows for outstanding control of the vast varieties of powdery mildew and mold found in the garden. Nuke Em® is different than oil-based pesticides (oil-based pesticides have oil as their active ingredient). Nuke Em® will not slow the plant's growth as oil-based pesticides can. Also, Nuke Em® will not significantly lower the light coming into leaf cells and it will not significantly obstruct air from going into and out of the leaf’s stomata as oil-based pesticides can. Nuke Em® has killing power while allowing the plant to thrive while going through treatment. Nuke Em® is the correct choice.

Nuke Em® won’t lower the value of your harvest like other insecticides/fungicides!

You’ve worked hard for your customers, don’t lose them because your harvest didn’t taste or smell the same. Think about it; do you have customers that purchased from you but then they suddenly stopped? Was it after a crop you treated with insecticides or fungicides? Did those insecticides/fungicides have Pyrethrums, concentrated plant oils, petroleum oils or detergents in them? Don’t feel alone. We have gotten thousands of new customers because they lost profit from crops after they applied supposedly natural pesticides. Don’t worry; Nuke Em® is here to keep your plant value high and your customers loyal!

Be wary of insecticides made with concentrated oils as their active ingredient because they need detergents to make them water soluble. Once dried, these ingredients will plug and cover the plant’s leaf stomata and cover the light cells that produce sugars in the photosynthesis process. This slows plant growth, reducing water uptake, and makes it harder for the plant to recover from insect attack.

This is why your plants had slow or stunted growth after you sprayed with oil and detergent-based products. How do you know if you’re using oil and detergent-based pesticides? Oil and detergent-based pesticides look like milk or chalky water when mixed with water. Their oils are mixed with detergent and water but the ready-to-use spray smells like the oils it’s made with or the smell of the detergent. These concentrated plant oils include Neem, Rosemary, Pine, Peanut, Rose and others too many to mention.

Remember: All oils, no matter what quality they are, need to have detergent added to become soluble in water. If you spray oil-based pesticides on a window and let it dry, you can write your name in the dried residue with your fingernail.

Should I add a wetting agent to Nuke Em®?

Look for our wetting agent, Spread Coat. Spread Coat is OMRI listed and made to work with Nuke Em®. It is now available.

Yes, we are finding that using a surfactant or wetting agent helps Nuke Em® to cover the leaf and in doing so contacts the insects, larvae, eggs etc. Plants leaves, some more than others, have a waxy cuticle which will tend to shed water and or the Nuke Em®. By adding the wetting agent, the leaf will get full coverage. The analogy for cars would be a freshly waxed car sheds water in beads. Add a wetting agent to the water and you have no more beads but a sheeting action over the fender.

Adding a wetting agent will allow you to use less Nuke Em® as more spray will stay on the leaf; less will be on the floor or ground.

Think of Nuke Em® as brakes on your car. While driving, you don’t use your brakes all the time but your brakes are a very important part of your trip. Nuke Em® should be used as a maintenance spray every week. No matter how careful you are insects and powdery mildew will enter the growing area.

Anyone using Flying Skull’s Nuke Em® will immediately see a reduction of plant parasites and Powdery Mildew. At the same time, they will notice that Nuke Em® is easy to use, safer to spray, doesn’t smell bad, and did not reduce the value of the produce!

Nuke Em® is a multi-purpose product. It replaces many expensive single target pesticides and fungicides. This makes it very affordable. It can be used to kill hiding insects and mold on walls, floors and other gardening surfaces.

Nuke Em®’s highly concentrated formula must be diluted before spraying onto plants or garden surfaces. Read and follow all label cautions and directions. Nuke Em® has been in the lab for over 10 years prior to its release.

8 fl. oz. concentrate makes up to 2 gallons of ready to use spray.
32 fl. oz. concentrate makes up to 8 gallons of ready to use spray.
1 Gallon concentrate makes up to 32 gallons of ready to use spray.

Nuke Em® is not registered with the US Federal Environmental Protection Agency. Its formula qualifies for exemption under FIFRA section 25 (b).

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